Place your cursor at the desired location.Open your text editor where you need to type the sign for Plus or Minus.You can simply use the Alt code method to type this symbol by pressing and holding the Alt key while typing the Symbol Alt code (0177) using the numeric keypad on the right.īelow are detailed steps you may use to type the Symbol for Plus or Minus with your keyboard. The Plus or Minus Symbol Alt Code is Alt + 0177.
Symbol for Plus or Minus Alt Code (Keyboard Shortcut) Without any further ado, below are the various ways to get this symbol whether with your keyboard or using the navigation in MS Office or Google Docs. If you are also using any of the Microsoft Office or Google apps, there are quick navigations you can perform to insert this symbol in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or Google Docs.
How to Get the Plus or Minus SignĮven though there’s no dedicated key for the Plus or Minus symbol on the keyboard, you can still get this symbol using the keyboard for both Windows and Mac. The remaining section will explain this table further. SYMBOLĪs much as possible, the above table has done a great deal in presenting some useful information about the Plus or Minus Symbol including keyboard shortcuts for both Windows and Mac. The table below contains some useful information about the Plus or Minus Symbol. Once it is copied, switch over to where you need this symbol and press Ctrl and V on your keyboard to paste it there. Save yourself some time with the copy button above. Note that while our screenshot demonstrates this feature in iOS 7, the degree symbol can be found via the same method on all supported versions of iOS and on all iDevices, including the iPad and iPod touch.The easiest way to get the Plus or Minus Symbol text is to copy and paste it wherever you need it. Release to insert the symbol at your cursor’s location. While continuing to hold, simply slide your finger or thumb over to the degree symbol until it’s highlighted in blue. After a brief delay, a pop-up will appear allowing you to choose the degree symbol. Tap on the 123 modifier to bring up the numeric and symbols keyboard and tap and hold on the 0 (zero). To find the iPhone degree symbol, launch any app that brings up the virtual keyboard. While some apps, especially weather and math-based apps, put the degree symbol front and center, the standard iPhone keyboard layout hides it without much indication of where to find it. Once such example is the degree symbol, which is particularly relevant considering the crazy state of weather in recent months. But just because the iPhone’s virtual keyboard is flexible, it doesn’t mean that certain symbols aren’t hard to find. When Steve Jobs introduced the first iPhone, he lauded the device’s virtual keyboard as superior to then-prevalent physical keyboards thanks to its ability to dynamically change based on the needs of software. How To Find The IPhone Degree Symbol On The IOS Virtual Keyboard We are not sure if there is any significant difference between the symbols of large and small degree, when they are used in meteorological or mathematical contexts, but using any of them will most likely help you with this (see Note below). It should be noted that when using the special character menu approach described in the section above, a larger character is inserted. Key combination inserts a small degree symbol, very similar to the actual Key combination inserts the correct degree symbol (i.e., 72 °) Place where you want to insert the degree symbol. Then use one of the Not the fastest option. Instead, let’s use a keyboard shortcut. Described above gives you hundreds of useful characters, characters, andĮmoticons to choose from, but if you just need a simple degree symbol, this is